Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club

Winning Images from December 2006 Club Competition

Member Judging
CVDCC competition images are judged on an absolute scale ranging from a lowest score of 5 to a top score of 9.
Advanced and Intermediate entries are judged together.
An Advanced entry receive an Excellence Award if it receives a "9" score; and an Honorable Mention if it receives an "8" score.
An Intermediate entry receive an Excellence Award if it receives an "8" or a "9" score; and an Honorable Mention if it receives a "7" score.

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Advanced Digital

John Brantley: Tulip #2
John Brantley: Tulip #2
Advanced Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Fabulous Rose
Michael Emhoff: Fabulous Rose
Advanced Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Gene Lambert: Glass Pattern
Gene Lambert: Glass Pattern
Advanced Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: G'Day!
Stuart Lynn: G'Day!
Advanced Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Meline Pickus: Design In Wood
Meline Pickus: Design In Wood
Advanced Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Harris Hawk Bathing
Lillian Roberts: Harris Hawk Bathing
Advanced Digital:
Open Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Cypress Silhouette
Lillian Roberts: Cypress Silhouette
Advanced Digital:
Open Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Visiting The Glacier
Wayne Schweifler: Visiting The Glacier
Advanced Digital:
Open Honorable Mention
Lonnie Scott: Mirror Of The Soul
Lonnie Scott: Mirror Of The Soul
Advanced Digital:
Open Honorable Mention
John Brantley: Winter Scene
John Brantley: Winter Scene
Advanced Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: New Zealand Mountains
Jerry Chatow: New Zealand Mountains
Advanced Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Country Road
Michael Emhoff: Country Road
Advanced Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Meline Pickus: After The Snow
Meline Pickus: After The Snow
Advanced Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Storm Coming
Lillian Roberts: Storm Coming
Advanced Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Dune At Dawn
Jerry Chatow: Dune At Dawn
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Fire Sky
Michael Emhoff: Fire Sky
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Sunrise Reflection
Stuart Lynn: Sunrise Reflection
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Joshua Fallen
Lillian Roberts: Joshua Fallen
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Summer Sunrise
Margot Schweifler: Summer Sunrise
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Too Early For Golf
Wayne Schweifler: Too Early For Golf
Advanced Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Gene Lambert: Dandy Ant
Gene Lambert: Dandy Ant
Advanced Digital: Natur
Honorable Mention
Lonnie Scott: Deserts Lone Beauty
Lonnie Scott: Deserts Lone Beauty
Advanced Digital: Nature
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Why Can't I Catch Them -
Jerry Chatow:
Why Can't I Catch Them -

Advanced Digital: People
Honorable Mention
Bill Coleman: Surfer Girl
Bill Coleman: Surfer Girl
Advanced Digital: People
Honorable Mention
Gaby Gross: Hiding From The Sun
Gaby Gross: Hiding From The Sun
Advanced Digital: People
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: So What!
Stuart Lynn: So What!
Advanced Digital: People
Honorable Mention
Meline Pickus: Getting Wet
Meline Pickus: Getting Wet
Advanced Digital: People
Honorable Mention

Advanced Print
Margot Schweifler: Romantic Evening In Venice
Margot Schweifler:
Romantic Evening In Venice

Advanced Print: Open
Excellence Award
John Brantley: JB_Fall Reflections
John Brantley: JB_Fall Reflections
Advanced Print: Open
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Wearing Out
Jerry Chatow: Wearing Out
Advanced Print: Open
Honorable Mention
Gaby Gross: Brazilian Butthead
Gaby Gross: Brazilian Butthead
Advanced Print: Open Honorable Mention
Roger Kipp: Carousel Delight
Roger Kipp: Carousel Delight
Advanced Print: Open Honorable Mention
Judith Nagel: I'm Not The Tallest Anymore
Judith Nagel: I'm Not The Tallest Anymore
Advanced Print: Open Honorable Mention
Judith Nagel: Okay ! You Caught Me
Judith Nagel: Okay ! You Caught Me
Advanced Print: Open Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Convict Lake In Fall
Wayne Schweifler: Convict Lake In Fall
Advanced Print: Open Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Drinking In The Scene
Wayne Schweifler:
Drinking In The Scene

Advanced Print: Ope
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Theater District N.Y.C.
Michael Emhoff:
Theater District N.Y.C.

Advanced Print:
Creative: Rain, Hail. Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Santa Cruz Sunrise
Michael Emhoff: Santa Cruz Sunrise
Advanced Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Morning Line
Michael Emhoff: Morning Line
Advanced Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Gene Lambert: Sunrise At 6.55 am
Gene Lambert: Sunrise At 6.55 am
Advanced Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Welcome The Early Sun
Margot Schweifler:
Welcome The Early Sun

Advanced Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Still Need Lights
Wayne Schweifler: Still Need Lights
Advanced Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Judith Nagel: Lotus Flower
Judith Nagel: Lotus Flower
Advanced Print: Nature
Excellence Award
Jerry Chatow: Budapest New And Old
Jerry Chatow:
Budapest New And Old

Advanced Print: Travel
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Grand Central Station
Michael Emhoff:
Grand Central Station

Advanced Print: Travel
Honorable Mention
Gaby Gross: Salvador Bahia Turtle Hatchery
Gaby Gross:
Salvador Bahia Turtle Hatchery

Advanced Print: Travel
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Moraine Lake
Margot Schweifler: Moraine Lake
Advanced Print: Travel
Honorable Mention
Wayne Schweifler: Icefields Parkway
Wayne Schweifler: Icefields Parkway
Advanced Print: Travel
Honorable Mention
John Brantley: JB_Painted Lady
John Brantley: JB_Painted Lady
Advanced Print: Peopl
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Anything Goes
Michael Emhoff: Anything Goes
Advanced Print: People
Honorable Mention
Gaby Gross: Happy Brazilian Musician
Gaby Gross:
Happy Brazilian Musician

Advanced Print: Peopl
Honorable Mention
Roger Kipp: Queens For A Day
Roger Kipp: Queens For A Day
Advanced Print: People
Honorable Mention
Image Not Available:

Judith Nagel: Good Morning Sunshine
Special Project: Before 7am
Honorable Mention

Intermediate Digital
Ken Cook: Sailing
Ken Cook: Sailing
Intermediate Digital: Open
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Banning, CA
Ken Cook: Banning, CA
Intermediate Digital: Open
Excellence Award
Bob Fischer: Monkey Business
Bob Fischer: Monkey Business
Intermediate Digital: Open
Excellence Award
Bruce Baland: Snowman
Bruce Baland: Snowman
Intermediate Digital Open:
Honorable Mention
Bruce Baland: Star Trader At Night
Bruce Baland: Star Trader At Night
Intermediate Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Ken Cook: Road King
Ken Cook: Road King
Intermediate Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Reve
Bob Fischer: Reve
Intermediate Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Lotus
Bob Fischer: Lotus
Intermediate Digital: Open
Honorable Mention
Ken Cook: Rocky Creek
Ken Cook: Rocky Creek
Intermediate Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Ice Hand
Ken Cook: Ice Hand
Intermediate Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Excellence Award
Bob Fischer: Mt. Everest
Bob Fischer: Mt. Everest
Intermediate Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Rain In China
Bob Fischer: Rain In China
Intermediate Digital:
Creative: Rain, Hail, Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Ken Cook: Mono Lake at Sun Rise
Ken Cook: Mono Lake at Sun Rise
Intermediate Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Excellence Award
Bob Fischer: Palm Springs Garden
Bob Fischer: Palm Springs Garden
Intermediate Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Rocko
Bob Fischer: Rocko
Intermediate Digital:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Striped Shirt
Bob Fischer: Striped Shirt
Intermediate Digital: People
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Fly Fishing
Ken Cook: Fly Fishing
Intermediate Digital: People
Honorable Mention

Intermediate Print
Ken Cook: Sailing
Ken Cook: Sailing
Intermediate Print: Open
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Buick
Ken Cook: Buick
Intermediate Print: Open
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Snow Peak
Ken Cook: Snow Peak
Intermediate Print:
Creative: Rain, Hail. Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Ken Cook: Ice Age
Ken Cook: Ice Age
Intermediate Print:
Creative: Rain, Hail. Sleet, Or Snow
Honorable Mention
Ken Cook: Lake Sabrina
Ken Cook: Lake Sabrina
Intermediate Print:
Special Project: Before 7am
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Casino Royal
Ken Cook: Casino Royal
Intermediate Print:
Special Project: Before 7 am
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Bambi
Ken Cook: Bambi
Intermediate Print: Nature
Excellence Award
Ken Cook: Hey Dude
Ken Cook: Hey Dude
Intermediate Print: People
Honorable Mention
Richard Liebman: Happy Boy
Richard Liebman: Happy Boy
Intermediate Print: People
Honorable Mention
Image Not Available:

Ken Cook: Church
Excellence Award

Copyright Notice:
All copyrights in all posted images remain vested with the original creators of the images. No rights of use, copying, or republishing without permission of the author are granted, other than downloading the images directly from this website for viewing purposes.

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Page updated 9/2/04