Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club

Winning Images from October 2006 Club Competition
(Actually held in November 2006)

Judge: Bert Buxbaum
CVDCC competition images are judged on an absolute scale ranging from a lowest score of 5 to a top score of 9.
Advanced and Intermediate entries are judged together.
An Advanced entry receive an Excellence Award if it receives a "9" score; and an Honorable Mention if it receives an "8" score.
An Intermediate entry receive an Excellence Award if it receives an "8" or a "9" score; and an Honorable Mention if it receives a "7" score.

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Advanced Digital

Alice Hamilton: San Francisco Water Lily
Alice Hamilton:
San Francisco Water Lily

Advanced Digital Open
Excellence Award
John Brantley: Haunted House
John Brantley:
Haunted House

Advanced Digital Open
Excellence Award
Bill Coleman: Da Man
Bill Coleman:
Da Man

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Red Reflection
Stuart Lynn:
Red Reflection

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
John Brantley: There Once Was a Bridge
John Brantley:
There Once Was a Bridge

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Edge 2
Stuart Lynn:
Edge 2

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Lightning Fence & Irrigation
Lillian Roberts:
Lightning Fence & Irrigation

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: What's Out There
Jerry Chatow:
What's Out There

Advanced Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: In Conference
Stuart Lynn:
In Conference

Advanced Digital Creative: Hats
Excellence Award
Stuart Lynn: Look At Us!
Stuart Lynn
Look At Us!

Advanced Digital Creative:
Hats Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Modern Picasso
Jerry Chatow:
Modern Picasso

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Meline Pickus: Through The Window
Meline Pickus:
Through The Window

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Stuart Lynn: Les Sylphides
Stuart Lynn:
Les Sylphides

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Gene Lambert: Glass Menagerie
Gene Lambert:
Glass Menagerie

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Gene Lambert: Double Candle Glow
Gene Lambert:
Double Candle Glow

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Flowers Under Glass
Stuart Lynn:
Flowers Under Glass

Advanced Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Meline Pickus: Mountains
Meline Pickus:

Advanced Digital Nature
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Bursting Through
Stuart Lynn:
Bursting Through

Advanced Digital Nature
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Breakfast Time
Jerry Chatow:
Breakfast Time

Advanced Digital Nature
Honorable Mention
Stuart Lynn: Los Angeles
Stuart Lynn:
Los Angeles

Advanced Digital Travel
Honorable Mention
Lillian Roberts: Lake Powell Kayaker #2
Lillian Roberts:
Lake Powell Kayaker #2

Advanced Digital Travel
Honorable Mention
Gaby Gross: Sahara Intersection
Gaby Gross:
Sahara Intersection

Advanced Digital Travel
Honorable Mention
Lionel Leiter: B&W Waterlily
Lionel Leiter:
B&W Waterlily

Advanced Digital Monochrome
Honorable Mention
Gene Lambert: Hi Grandpa
Gene Lambert:
Hi Grandpa

Advanced Digital Monochrome
Honorable Mention

Advanced Print

Roger Kipp: Plane Reflections
Roger Kipp:
Plane Reflections

Advanced Print Open
Excellence Award
Roger Kipp: Topsy Turvy
Roger Kipp:
Topsy Turvy

Advanced Print Open
Excellence Award
Gene Lambert: Little Red School House
Gene Lambert:
Little Red School House

Advanced Print Ope
Excellence Award
Judith Nagel: Dry Dock
Judith Nagel:
Dry Dock

Advanced Print Open
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: The Color of Hats
Jerry Chatow:
The Color of Hats

Advanced Print Creative: Hats
Excellence Award
Jerry Chatow: Block Through Block
Jerry Chatow:
Block Through Block

Advanced Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Barbara Fritts: Illusions
Barbara Fritts:

Advanced Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Gene Lambert: Glass Beauty
Gene Lambert:
Glass Beauty

Advanced Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Roger Kipp: Oregon Coast
Roger Kipp:
Oregon Coast

Advanced Print Nature
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Hip-Hop
Jerry Chatow:

Advanced Print Travel
Excellence Award
Gaby Gross: Body Painting In Morocco
Gaby Gross:
Body Painting In Morocco

Advanced Print Travel
Excellence Award
Roger Kipp: Monterey Fishing Fleet
Roger Kipp:
Monterey Fishing Fleet

Advanced Print Travel
Honorable Mention
Lionel Leiter: San Simeon Pier At Sunset
Lionel Leiter:
San Simeon Pier At Sunset

Advanced Print Travel
Honorable Mention
Stan Spiegel: Guatemalan Street Vendors
Stan Spiegel:
Guatemalan Street Vendors

Advanced Print Trave
Honorable Mention
Jerry Chatow: Prague Sewer Cover
Jerry Chatow:
Prague Sewer Cover

Advanced Print Monochrome
Excellence Award
Roger Kipp: The Bridge
Roger Kipp:
The Bridge

Advanced Print Monochrome
Honorable Mention
Images Not Available:
Ingrid Knight: My Market Day Hat
Advanced Print
Creative: Hats
Honorable Mention
Ingrid Knight: Dinner With View Of Lake Tikikaka
Advanced Print:
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Ingrid Knight: The Glacier Veronica In Peru
Advanced Print Travel

Honorable Mention
Ingrid Knight: Sculpture In Marble
Advanced Print Monochrome
Honorable Mention

Intermediate Digital

Bruce Baland: Superstition Mt.
Bruce Baland:
Superstition Mt.

Intermediate Digital Open
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Fall Color - Bishop
Margot Schweifler:
Fall Color - Bishop

Intermediate Digital Open
Excellence Award
Lonnie Scott: Searchlight
Lonnie Scott:

Intermediate Digital Open
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Rock Creek - Bishop
Margot Schweifler:
Rock Creek - Bishop

Intermediate Digital Open
Excellence Award
Lonnie Scott: Over The Edge
Lonnie Scott:
Over The Edge

Intermediate Digital Open
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: Salvation Mountain
Michael Emhoff:
Salvation Mountain

Intermediate Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Bruce Baland: Lemonade
Bruce Baland:

Intermediate Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Imagine
Michael Emhoff:

Intermediate Digital Open
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Hats For Jacks Friends
Margot Schweifler:
Hats For Jacks Friends

Intermediate Digital Creative: Hats
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: N.Y. Cowboy
Michael Emhoff:
N.Y. Cowboy

Intermediate Digital Creative: Hats
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Flag Waver
Margot Schweifler:
Flag Waver

Intermediate Digital Creative:
Hats Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Mad Hatter
Michael Emhoff:
Mad Hatter

Intermediate Digital Creative: Hats
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Cleo
Michael Emhoff:

Intermediate Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: Crystal Ball
Michael Emhoff:
Crystal Ball

Intermediate Digital
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Mating Butterflies
Michael Emhoff:
Mating Butterflies

Intermediate Digital Nature
Excellence Award
Lonnie Scott: Freshly Fallen
Lonnie Scott:
Freshly Fallen

Intermediate Digital Nature
Honorable Mention
Lonnie Scott: Under The Pier
Lonnie Scott:
Under The Pier

Intermediate Digital Travel
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Canadian Rockies
Margot Schweifler:
Canadian Rockies

Intermediate Digital Travel
Excellence Award
Bob Fischer: Cyndi In The River
Bob Fischer:
Cyndi In The River

Intermediate Digital Travel
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: San Remo Central Park
Michael Emhoff:
San Remo Central Park

Intermediate Digital Travel
Honorable Mention
Bob Fischer: Morning Prayers Ubud Bali
Bob Fischer:
Morning Prayers Ubud Bali

Intermediate Digital Monochrome
Excellence Award
Lonnie Scott: Contemplating Mayhem
Lonnie Scott:
Contemplating Mayhem

Intermediate Digital Monochrome
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: N.Y. Financial District
Michael Emhoff:
N.Y. Financial District

Intermediate Digital Monochrome
Honorable Mention
Margot Scweifler: Calgary Street Art
Margot Scweifler:
Calgary Street Art

Intermediate Digital Monochrome
Honorable Mention

Intermediate Print
Margot Schweifler: Fall Splendor
Margot Schweifler:
Fall Splendor

Intermediate Print Open
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Fall Colors-Bishop
Margot Schweifler:
Fall Colors-Bishop

Intermediate Print Open
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Psychedelic
Michael Emhoff:

Intermediate Print Creative:
Hats Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: Home For Shabot
Michael Emhoff:
Home For Shabot

Intermediate Print Creative: Hats
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Lake Louise View
Margot Schweifler:
Lake Louise View

Intermediate Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: The Fans
Michael Emhoff:
The Fans

Intermediate Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Face to Face
Michael Emhoff:
Face to Face

Intermediate Print
Special Project: Through Glass
Honorable Mention
Margot Schweifler: Moraine Lake Canoes
Margot Schweifler:
Moraine Lake Canoes

Intermediate Print Travel
Excellence Award
Michael Emhoff: Bow Bridge N.Y. Central Park
Michael Emhoff:
Bow Bridge N.Y. Central Park

Intermediate Print Travel
Honorable Mention
Michael Emhoff: Sunday Morning
Michael Emhoff:
Sunday Morning

Intermediate Print Monochrome
Excellence Award
Margot Schweifler: Calgary Skyline
Margot Schweifler:
Calgary Skyline

Intermediate Print Monochrome
Excellence Award

Copyright Notice:
All copyrights in all posted images remain vested with the original creators of the images. No rights of use, copying, or republishing without permission of the author are granted, other than downloading the images directly from this website for viewing purposes.

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