
Special Project


Making A Portrait Out Of A Portrait


January, 2005


Photograph a person framed primarily as a portrait (head and shoulders). Print it out with no adjustments whatsoever other than cropping. Then apply whatever manipulations to the original image you deem important to enhance the portrait (either in the darkroom or the computer lightroom) to make a better image. Print out the final result. Mount the "before" and "after" side by side.

The portrait must predominate.


Manipulation is allowed.

Mounting and
Image Size:

Standard Print but the "before" and "after" images must be mounted side by side on the same mountboard.


Print only.

No. of Images

1 print entry ("before" and "after" photographs).


Image must have been taken within 18 months prior to date of competition.

Other Click here.
Note: Images not meeting any of the above requirements will be disqualified (DQed)

Photographers have improved their photographs of portraits since the dawn of photography. Whether de-spotting negatives, or using selective blurring, soft-focus, unsharp masking, contrast enhancement, sepia-toning or other techniques in the enlarger, the final portrait print has been a product of the photographers art and craft imposed long after the film has been developed.

Digital techniques, of course, make the job easier. In an article in the December 2003 issue of e-focus, Stuart Lynn described “Ten Ways To Improve A Portrait”. Techniques described there can (and should) be used, such as blurring, desaturating and/or darkening the background; sharpening fingernails, earrings, eyes and teeth, and (possibly) whitening teeth slightly; softening harsh highlights; etc.

Judging will be based on overall pictorial quality and how the entrant has exploited the above possibilities to improve the image.

By the way, 8” x 10” is considered a good format for portraits. But there is nothing wrong with any other format if it improves the image!

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