




September, 2005


The subject of the competition should be simple, reduced to its bare essentials, and isolated from its surroundings -- yet creating a strong composition. Complex subjects with multiple objects will be disqualified.


Manipulation is allowed.

Mounting and
Image Size:

Standard Print or Standard Slide



No. of Images

2 prints or 2 slides


Image must have been taken within 18 months prior to date of competition.

Other Click here.
Note: Images not meeting any of the above requirements will be disqualified (DQed)

The twentieth century minimalist art movement stressed reducing work to a minimal number of colors, shapes, lines, and textures. No attempt is made to represent an object as a recognizable entity. Click here and here for some examples.

The same idea can be achieved photographically, although pure abstraction is not a requirement of this project. Think, for example, of a subtly lit, white sphere against a black background. Or of three overlapping leaves in high contrast (silhouette?) against a white sky. Or of a macro shot of a small section of a reflection in a copper pot of part of a single green grape. Or of one end of a single teaspoon placed on a blue sheet of paper.

Placement is important. You can crop in tightly to further isolate the subject. Focus must be tack sharp.

Create surprises!

Remember: less is more in this project.

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