




January, 2006


The image must predominantly convey a feeling of tension, where tension is defined as the way that opposing elements image elements clash or interact in an interesting manner so as to enhance the overall composition (see below). Also allowed is an image that depicts tension in a physical sense, such as a cocked bowstring, taut, and ready to fire; or taut and stretched muscles in an athlete.


Manipulation is allowed.

Mounting and
Image Size:

Standard Print or Standard Digital


Print and Digital

No. of Images

2 in each Division


Image must have been taken within 18 months prior to date of competition.

Other Click here.
Note: Images not meeting any of the above requirements will be disqualified (DQed)

Tension is an important aspect of drama in a composition. Consider a photograph of two squares. If they are both the same color and size, and are placed side by side, there is no tension. The image is blah, the eye just wandering from one to the other. Now make one square green and the other red, make one larger than the other, and place them so that one is higher up the image and overlaps the other. Now there is some tension. The two squares oppose and clash with each other. The image is improved. But now rotate the squares in opposite directions and place them so they barely touch along one edge; darken one and lighten the other. Do it right and you get: Wow!


Remember that the Club’s definition of Creative encourages you to create images through the use of imaginative skill or originality of thought, and requires the alteration of reality that is apparent to the viewer.  This includes modifications in the camera, darkroom, or the computer; as well as unusual points of view, imaginative use of subject matter or lighting, or any other presentation that begins with a photograph or a collection of photographs.

Use your imagination and have fun and remember, be creative! The possibilities are endless!

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