Still not sure? Why not try us out at one of our monthly meetings? We cordially invite you to participate, and you are under no obligation to join (although we warn you we will be pretty hard to resist!).
Our meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except in July and August. The December meetings are usually (but not always) a week early because of the holidays.
The main meeting is the fourth Tuesday at 7pm. It is the general Club meeting where we hold our competitions. Click here for meeting location, map, and driving directions. Or call (760) 341-5389.
DIPSIG, the Digital Photography Special Interest Group, meets at 6.30pm on the second Tuesday. Click here for meeting location, map, and driving directions. It helps to bring a laptop and power cord, but that is not necessary. You can obtain more information from
And while you are cruising this website, why not take a look at our Gallery of member images that have been successful in our competitions. Click here.