Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club
ConstitutionAdopted: April 18, 2004 Article No. Article Title Article Content Article I: Name This Organization shall be known as the COACHELLA VALLEY DESERT CAMERA CLUB (the “Club”).
Article II: Objective The objective of the Club shall be the enjoyment, mastery and furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort and good fellowship.
Article III: Membership The Club shall be comprised of Members. There shall be classes of Membership as defined in the Bylaws of the Club. One such class of Membership shall be designated as Full Members of the Club. The Club may charge different initiation fees and annual dues for the different classes of Membership. Article IV: ByLaws The Full Members shall adopt Bylaws to this Constitution that may be amended from time to time.
Article V: Officers The following officers shall be elected by the Full Membership according to procedures designated in the Bylaws: 1.) President; 2.) Vice President; 3.) Secretary; 4.) Treasurer.
Article VI: Committees The Club may establish Standing Committees as designated in the Bylaws. Article VII: Executive Board The management of the Club shall be directed by an Executive Board composed of the elected officers (Article V), the chairpersons of all Standing Committees (Article VI), and the Past President. The Executive Board shall meet as often as necessary to transact the business of the Club. Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Article VIII: Meetings Regular Meetings of the Club shall be held at a place, date and time stipulated at least thirty (30) days in advance by the Executive Board. The Regular Meetings are for conducting Club activities and for transacting any Club business that requires participation by the membership.
The Executive Board shall call an Annual Meeting of the Full Members of the Club to take place in November of each year. This may be held coincident with a Regular Meeting.
All official meetings of the Club and the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.Article IX: Special Interest Groups There may be Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the Club as designated in the Bylaws. SIGs are composed of members who are interested in any particular aspect of photography.
Article X: Amendments Amendments to the Constitution or the Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Board or by any five Full Members of the Club. Such proposals shall be presented in writing to the Full Membership with at least fifteen (15) days written notice. Adoption of any proposed amendment to the Constitution requires a written ballot and approval by at least two thirds (2/3) of the Full Members. Adoption of any proposed amendment to the Bylaws requires a written ballot and approval by at least two thirds (2/3) of the Full Members voting. For these purposes, For these purposes, the use of electronic mail shall be included in the definition of a written ballot.