




'Burrowing Owl Watch' by Alice Hamilton
Advanced Digital: Nature General
Honorable Mention
'Desert Fire Tree' by Lionel Leiter
Advanced Digital: Nature General
Honorable Mention
' Swainson's Hawk On Alert' by Robert Dowling
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Excellence Award
'ALASKAN BIG BROWN BEAR' by Cecile Kirschner
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Excellence Award
'MIGHTY EAGLE' by Cecile Kirschner
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Excellence Award
'Showing Off' by Robert Dowling
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Honorable Mention






'Ducks on Burnaby Lake' by Stanley French
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Honorable Mention
'Golden Barrel cactus' by Stanley French
Intermediate Digital: Nature General
Honorable Mention
'Avalon's Bell Tower' by Pete Bechtol
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award
'Top Of The Casino' by Pete Bechtol
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award
'Disney Hall' by Jerry Chatow
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award
'Lake Wofgang' by Hana Novak
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award






'Unloading The Cargo' by Sidney Weiss
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award
'RED ROCKS OF SEDONA' by Bernard Kirschner
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Honorable Mention
'Days Gone By' by Barbara Snow
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Honorable Mention
'Tuolumne Meadows' by Barbara Snow
Advanced Digital: Photo Travel
Honorable Mention
'Downtown Vancouver' by Stanley French
Intermediate Digital: Photo Travel
Excellence Award
'Homeless' by Michael Emhoff
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award






'This Is America' by Eugene Lambert
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Cold Morning Coffee Break' by Lionel Leiter
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Street Concert' by Hana Novak
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'That Was Hard!' by Hana Novak
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Men At Work' by Sidney Weiss
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'High Jumper' by Pete Bechtol
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Honorable Mention






'Mozart' by Cathy Lehman
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Honorable Mention
'Dancing' by Sidney Weiss
Advanced Digital: Photojournalism
Honorable Mention
'Hogs Versus Bison' by Robert Dowling
Intermediate Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Ballroom dancing in park, Beijing' by Larry Fechter
Intermediate Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Little Emperor and mother' by Larry Fechter
Intermediate Digital: Photojournalism
Excellence Award
'Reflections' by Stanley French
Intermediate Digital: Photojournalism
Honorable Mention






'What happened to our car?' by Stanley French
Intermediate Digital: Photojournalism
Honorable Mention
'Old Boat' by Jerry Chatow
Advanced Digital: Monochrome
Excellence Award
'Triplets' by Jerry Chatow
Advanced Digital: Monochrome
Excellence Award
'Shoot For The Moon' by Alice Hamilton
Advanced Digital: Monochrome
Excellence Award
'Nebraska Barn' by Lionel Leiter
Advanced Digital: Monochrome
Excellence Award
'Here Comes The Fuel' by Sidney Weiss
Advanced Digital: Monochrome
Excellence Award