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It was an early shoot. The early photographer catches the light! We planned to arrive at Jumbo Rocks at Joshua Tree National Park at just before sunrise, around 6am, which meant leaving the valley around 4.30am. The carpools all converged at the designated rendezvous with military precision.
It was the end of February. The weather had been forecast very cold and windy, with a chill factor down in the 20’s. But we were steadfast in our determination to go, having already postponed a week because of bad weather.

"Dressed Like Commandoes...."
Like most weather forecasts, this prediction did not materialize. The sky was almost cloudless and there was no wind! It was bright and sunny following a beautiful, pink sunrise! It was cold, but not too cold. We were quite warm with all the moving about, except for some chilly fingers (particularly for those without gloves and wraps on their tripods). The most fashionable headgear was definitely in!
Ten club members (and one spouse along for the ride) rambled over the rocks just off the parking area, cameras and camera bags dangling, dressed like commandoes on a raid. Jumbo Rocks is a very accessible area, so none of us was over-taxed. Some members stayed close to the parking area, others wandered further. We were able to focus on photography, not on strenuous exercise.
"The Most Fashionable Headgear..."
The light was quite spectacular, and there were many opportunities for creative photography. Each photographer found his/her own particular perspective. Unfortunately, there were no clouds in the sky (except for a slight wisp right after sunrise), so the attention was on the tortuous shapes of the rocks themselves, and on the Joshua trees, agaves, and other plants. Knee pads received a workout, at least for those shooters who really got down to work!
"Different Perspectives.."
There was a certain relief when it was over, with groans of aching joints. After a couple of hours of shooting, we headed for the town of Joshua Tree and a hearty breakfast. Somehow, concentrated photography whets the appetite and justifies the kinds of breakfasts that would be frowned on at home! We indulged!
Participants are experimenting with a post mortem review. We have posted our best shots (three per participant) on a private website. We are circulating by e‑mail to the group our individual comments on each other’s images, highlighting what we like about each image and suggestions for improvement. This is intended not just to help the photographer, but to encourage us to articulate our thoughts about others’ images so that we can become better photographers ourselves. The post mortem is still in process.
"Relief When It Was Over...."
Article by Stuart
Photos by Gitta, Stan, Joan, and Bill
February 28, 2004
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Page updated 9/2/04