Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club
Competition Winners

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February 22, 2005
Judge: Byron Hindman

Print Division
Excellence Awards
John Brantley Giraffes At Sunset
Dolly Dupree ET
Jerry Dupree Handful Of Energy
Joan Petit-Clair Helter Skelter
Honorable Mentions
John Brantley Disney Hall #8
Shirley Brenon Pink Powder Puff
Shirley Brenon Rain, Rain, Go Away
Woody Kaplan Rosy Future
Woody Kaplan Let's Dance
Roger Kipp Beer & Bucks
Ingrid Knight Blow & Look Pretty
Ed Oppenheimer Glass Menagerie
Judie Ruzek Made In Sand
Excellence Awards
Shirley Brenon Desert Sunflower
Woody Kaplan Butterfly
Stuart Lynn Courthouse Wash
Ed Oppenheimer Shapes
Honorable Mentions
John Brantley Blue Flower
Bill Coleman Verbena Blossom
Jerry Dupree Buck Fever
Roger Kipp Wildflower Explosion
Judie Ruzek Nature's Camouflage
Excellence Awards
John Brantley A Bad Hair Day
Dolly Dupree Call OSHA
Stuart Lynn Summertime
Stan Spiegel Children's Pow-Wow
Honorable Mentions
Jerry Dupree Looks Like Trouble
Roger Kipp Little Miss Attitude
Ed Oppenheimer Zapotec Dancer
Judie Ruzek Cousins & Best Friends
Creative: Objects & Things
Excellence Awards
John Brantley Vase In Abstract
Jerry Dupree Love Potion No. 9
Honorable Mentions
Shirley Brenon Bowling Balls – Almost Ripe
Bill Coleman Harvesters
Woody Kaplan How It Was Done
Stuart Lynn Memories
Stuart Lynn "....And Shrimp Is Now 29 Cents A Pound!...."
Joan Petit-Clair Sea Shells
Meline Pickus Venetian Glass
Judie Ruzek Chips
Stan Spiegel Folk Art
Stan Spiegel Chaos
Special Project: Backlighting
Excellence Awards
John Brantley Fall Tree – Zion
Stuart Lynn Waking Up
Joan Petit-Clair Backlit Sunflower
Honorable Mentions
John Brantley Sunflower
Jerry Dupree Mission Santa Ynez
Woody Kaplan Maiden Of Mystery
Stuart Lynn Waking Beauties
Judie Ruzek Crystal Ceiling Light
Slide Division
Print Division
Excellence Awards
Eugene Lambert Mystic Mountain
Barb Fritts Chapel In The Snow
Honorable Mentions
Barb Fritts Appalachian Winter
Judy Nagel Is The Coast Clear?
Excellence Awards
Eugene Lambert Death Valley Dune #1
Judy Nagel What's For Dinner
Honorable Mentions
Barb Fritts Bighorn
Excellence Awards
Eugene Lambert Death Valley Dune With People
Judy Nagel Look At Me – I'm A Little Swe-de
Honorable Mentions
Gitta Gorman Princess Hannah
Barb Fritts The Jones Boys
Creative: Objects & Things
Excellence Awards
Robert Eldridge Drifting In Time
Honorable Mentions
Special Project:Backlighting
Excellence Awards
Barb Fritts Orange Poppies
Barb Fritts Pink Tulips
Gitta Gorman Cholla Bush
Honorable Mentions
Gitta Gorman Rose Petals
Slide Division

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