Special Project

February, 2004


Print only
1 entry allowed: three 8" x 10" prints mounted on single 16" x 40" board

A sequence of images can be a narrative or it can be a story that unfolds.  It can be a progression of ideas; the different ways of looking at a subject and the different approaches you have to it. 

Choose the key moments in your sequence, which will clearly tell the story you want to convey.  A good pictorial story is the result of a combination of factors coming together at one time to create a visually exciting moment.

If you’re trying for an action sequence, follow the activity.  Anticipation, patience and taking lots of shots are the keys to capturing the moment.  Don’t be discouraged if you miss the moment, just keep trying.

No digital manipulation is allowed. Cropping, color correction, brightness and contrast are the only adjustments that are allowed. 

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