Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club
Division Definitions

Division: Pictorial
Subject: Any within definition of Pictorial

Pictorial Color (formerly called Open) images are judged both for their technical and pictorial merit. The image must be properly exposed, be appropriately in focus, and have appropriate depth of field. A Pictorial Color image should have strong composition, pleasing quality, and color impact. Images eligible for entry into the Monochrome Competition* are not permitted. The content is unrestricted.

* That is, images that are black and white, or black and white plus one fully-toned color (see Monochrome definition for explanation).

Manipulation Manipulation allowed.
Mounting/Image Size Standard Digital
Format(s) Digital
No. of Images 2 subject to overall competition limitation)
Age No time limit.
Image may have been taken at any time.
General Click here for General requirements,
Notes: Images will be judged for their pictorial value. Great nature, travel, or photojournalism images, for example, may or may not do well in this category depending on their pictorial merit.